Comms Kids
Early Language Group
Facilitated by a Speech Pathologist with additional training, the Early Language Group will use the premise of The Hanen Centre’s It Takes Two to Talk®.
Hanen’s It Takes Two to Talk® is an evidence-based program designed specifically for parents of young children (birth to 5 years of age) who have been identified as or suspected of having a language delay. In a small, personalised group setting, parents learn practical strategies to help their children learn language naturally throughout their day together.
What’s involved:
A pre-program parent consultation with a Speech Pathologist will be included prior to the group commencing, to discuss individual goals.
Parents/carers attend the term program with their children to help learn about early communication and language, and how to develop this in their child.
Sessions will run for 1.5 hours each week, over a 6 week period.
Please refer to our social channels Instagram and Facebook for the latest group scheduling times.
To register your interest, please sign up below.